Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
2017.04.06 | Movimento DIY, Apresentamos-te ao D.I.O.!
2017.04.06 | Movimento DIY, Apresentamos-te ao D.I.O.!


Roll Over D.I.Y.... Here Comes D.I.O.!

The punk ethic of the “Do It Yourself” movement has graduated into a new generation of artists, scholars and professionals that realize no one can make it alone in the digitally connected environment; on the other hand, the practical reality of living online make it easier to connect with other people, sharing tasks and responsibilities, setting up international tours, promoting records across borders...

Bernardo Queirós from Oh Lee Music and members of Portuguese band Throes & The Shine discuss their new reality as members of a new generation ready to do great business while placing a truly collaborative approach at the top of their list of priorities. They get by with a little help from their friends!

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